Monday 17 November 2008

LocoRoco 2 Demo flash game

I owned a demo of the first LocoRoco game even before I owned a PSP to play it on! Eventually I bought a PSP, then played the demo, and didn't understand why people liked the game.

So it was a long while before I bought a full copy of LocoRoco to play - only when it had come down in price to about £6 or something.

And... I really like the full game! It's basically a really cute 2D platform game, which you mainly play with the shoulder buttons (it's a bit strange at first but becomes comfortable and tactile). And it sings to you. In some mysterious made-up language. ^_^

I even bought the soundtrack (and it cost more than the game!)

So yeah. LocoRoco 2 comes out on the 21st of November, and I can see it's available as a pre-order for £17.99 on which is a reasonable enough price for me to preorder a copy.

The demo of the first game really put me off it! And the graphical style made me think "this looks like a Flash game!" :/

So what do we have for the 2nd game? A playable demo in flash!

LocoRoco 2 demo

It's quite fun! And it sings cutely at you (songs reused from the 1st game). And is.... oh it's frustrating sometimes! But too cute for you to stay mad at it. Haha!

I wonder how representative of the full game this is...

Quick comparison of the 2nd game demo with the 1st game:
* Rather than rolling around looking for budding flowers, you have to run over the wilted flowers with the right colour LocoRocos.
* The demo levels are very short and the music is annoyingly repetitive.
* There are also purple LocoRocos.
* There's no "split into loads of little LocoRocos" button.
* Black spiky things don't harm you.
* There is a clock counting *down* instead of up.