Tuesday 14 July 2009

Momoi Halko in Minon Everyday Hero

Last Friday, I decided to watch the trailer for the wii game "Minon: Everyday Hero", which is out in the UK now.

Minon: Everyday Hero trailer.

It's a game where you run around each stage knocking down dominoes to succeed. It's the sequel to a PS1 game which came out in the UK under the name of "No one can stop Mr Domino". Looks like it could be fun, to a Katamari Damacy obsessed person like me. :D

I noticed that the song playing in the trailer is a Momoi Halko song! This is backed up on this website. The Japanese version of this game is called "Go!Go!Minon" (with Minon written in katakana).

If you want to download a sound effects free MP3 of the song, you'll have to grab it from Nico Nico Douga: http://nicosound.anyap.info/sound/sm527992 because as far as I can see, there is no soundtrack on sale for this game. That surprised me, because the reviews I saw for the game mentioned that there is a lot of licensed jpop in the game.

I didn't find any mention in English on the internet about Momoi singing for this game, so I thought I had better write it up in my blog. :D It's an energetic little 2 minute song.

I've ordered a copy of the game via an online shop but it hasn't arrived yet, so I don't actually know if this song is in the actual game, but according to the videos on youtube it should be. The game isn't out in America and gets pretty mediocre reviews, and I haven't seen it around much so it might never be released there.

BTW Momoi Halko is coming to the UK next month! She's a guest at Ayacon and will be performing live: http://www.ayacon.org.uk/guests. I won't be going; it's just to let you know. ^_^

EDIT: 2009-07-15 20:37pm

My copy arrived and I can confirm that the Momoi song is in the PAL version of the game!

Minon front cover
Minon back cover

The game features a comically bad dub with voice work like you only ever hear in British cartoons for very very small children. I don't know where they get these people, I don't hear people talking like this in England. -_-; However, every level features cheerful jpop songs, unaltered. ^_^

The Momoi song is in level 4. Pop idol Michiko Momota is giving a secret concert, and her "fans" turn up, but they're all "Oh, she's past it." "I heard she's 10 years older than she says she is" (which made me laugh, thinking that Momoi is a few months older than me - older than Gundam! - she just looks and behaves much younger than she is. When she was in UNDER 17 she was definitely over 17 years old!).

That's a terrible reason to stop liking her! We have to change their minds about Michiko!

While she sings the song, you have to run over the heads of disgruntled fans in the audience to stop them from leaving! It's a hoot.

The song is longer in the game than in the clip I found on NicoNico - the stage is 4 mins 50 seconds long, and there's another verse.

In the PAL version of the game, they call the song something that sounds like "Lalala Lamikus", but in the NicoNico video I found, it was labelled "Galge (Lalala Namida no Totsugeki Lemon Kiss)".

Overall, the game is perhaps taking a bit of getting used to, it is perhaps a little too quirky for its own good and although you can change the camera angles none of them seem very helpful... but it is proving to be amusing! :D