Saturday 19 September 2009

I love Splosion Man! (2)

Well, the competition event came and went on Splosion Man last weekend. I am not normally a person who tries speed runs, but I thought I would give this a go. I managed a time of 2:52:11 which put me just outside the top 100 when I got it, and 135 when the competition ended. I retried the level so many times, but could not beat that time. I don't think I did too badly; the par time for the level is 3:30:00, so I beat that by over 30 seconds.

The top time was something like 2:10, which is an amazing time.

The person who was 2nd overall with a time of 2:11 posted a video of their best run on youtube, and it was truly breathtaking to watch. I have total respect for this player!

I hadn't worked out how to avoid the spikes at the end like that; if I had, I would have been able to shave more off of my time, but there were still a lot of points where I just couldn't make it through quickly enough.

Overall it was a fun event. More games should feature this knd of worldwide competition event! :)

A few days later, I beat HARDCORE MODE, which I think of as being a great achievement.

Splosion Man: You Are Hardcore

Some levels did give me a lot of trouble, and I played them again and again to complete them... other levels which I dreaded after spending ages on them the first time round, I beat on my first or second go, surprising myself. The last boss took me about an hour to defeat the first time I played it, but only took me about 3 attempts on hardcore mode! I guess I levelled up as a player. :)

The only thing left for me in the game is to improve my scores and times (but I am already in the top 150 worldwide for overall game time), and to finish multiplayer and get all the cakes... but multiplayer isn't working out for me.

  • There's too much lag. I have talked to other people who have much faster internet connections, and they still experience the same out-of-sync problems that I experienced.

  • It seems that most other players I have found aren't very good and it's impossible to get them to cooperate on in game puzzles and sploding simultaneously.

  • I was playing with several people, they kept jumping off of a ledge into a vat of acid... making the level incompletable unless everyone suicides as well, so after a large number of times, the dreaded "you can take the Way Of The Coward to skip this level" popped up. Someone immediately selected it and skipped the level, even though I was hosting the game. I quit out of it immediately but I now have that level skipped on my scores, and that annoys me. I have never ever chosen the way of the coward. It's not my way of playing. >:(

So, online multimplayer is not for me. :(

I still love this game though. I think it might well be "Game of the year" for me. :)