Tuesday 26 April 2011

PSN got hacked...

PSN went down over the weekend. That's no big deal, people can't play games online... well, it also meant that people can't download the games they own on PSN - which is not so good.

The news got worse. Lovefilm and Netflix - entertainment delivery providers who have services on PSN - also went down.

Now it has emerged that all PSN data has been stolen!

Here is the data that Sony is sure has been compromised if you have a PlayStation Network Account:

* Your name
* Your address (city, state, and zip)
* Country
* E-mail address
* Birthday
* PSN password and login name

"It is also possible that your profile data, including purchase history and billing address (city, state, zip), and your PlayStation Network/Qriocity password security answers may have been obtained. If you have authorized a sub-account for your dependent, the same data with respect to your dependent may have been obtained," Sony announced. While the company claims that there is "no evidence" that credit card information has been compromised, it won't rule out the possibility.

Source: Ars Technica

If you use the same password on PSN as other services or whatever online, I suggest you change that password. Also, keep an eye on your credit card account and on the lookout for evidence of identity theft.

Now, I had a think and for me.... I think they have stolen one out of date home address, and two fake overseas addresses.

All the same, I'm furious at Sony for this. The thieves should not know people's passwords. It's the absolute basics - you one-way encrypt passwords. You seed encryption so hackers won't be able to crack the encryption by just having a look at the data. You compare hashes, not passwords. That way it should be impossible for hackers who've just got the data to know what people's passwords are.

If they haven't been doing that, what kind of yahoos are these?

I'd expect hackers who've gotten onto the servers to be able to crack credit card numbers before they know everyone's passwords!