Thursday 16 June 2011

New Dancing Eyes game announced for PS3 Move

official Dancing Eyes website

Yesssss. :D

Coincidentally, I was playing the 1996 version on the arcade machine at work last week to the vast amusement of a crowd of braying colleagues, staring on in disbelief and rapture, and suggesting "choose the schoolgirl! Yes, he's nice".

I was just browsing the list of games and someone was "what is that??" so I started it up at his request.

It's that lovely mixture of bizarre and somewhat NSFW-ness that added to everyone's entertainment.

Did anyone suspect that this is one of my all-time favourite arcade games? That it wasn't just luck and I have played it through to the end before? ...well, I forgot myself and picked it up straight off without instructions, so, er, something something something. ^_^

I was thinking at the time "I wish they'd made another game like this. Maybe someone like Tecmo would pick it up"

And here we are.

I dunno what's with this website, though; it seems to repeat the some things over and over, and I don't see any release date or price.

And I still kind of have a wish for Tecmo ladies.

This, and the Time Crisis / Razing Storm / Deadstorm Pirates pack (also from Namco) are the only things that are making me think "maybe there is something on PS3 / Move I'd like to play after all".