Friday 21 September 2012

Demon's Score (iOS app)

I got Demon's Score on iOS (my boyfriend carelessly left his iPad in my house, you see....), mostly because:

AMAZING composer lineup.

Includes: Naoshi Mizuta (Final Fantasy XI), Yoko Shimomura (Mario & Luigi games, Kingdom Hearts), Kohei Tanaka (Sakura Wars, One Piece, Gunbuster), Keiichi Okabe (Tekken, Nier), and 2 members of Zuntata (Taito game composers).

You can hear some clips of it here:!/character1

Official Promo video


  1. It's got really annoying voice acting, oh my, that's so annoying. Is that teddy bear supposed to be a Gilbert Gottfried impersonation or something?
  2. The story is "so bad it's funny", it's a hoot. Nothing astounding, very stupid. XD
  3. I don't like the heavy rock tracks much.... which unfortunately is the opening music and tutorial level... there's some nice violiny tracks after that... then some funk... it's quite a mix. Listen to the samples on the official site. I really wish there wasn't so much of this heavy rock though, it's pretty uninteresting.
  4. The gameplay suffers from the same problem that Ouendan has. There's a bunch of stuff going on as you play - a story is taking place.... but you are too busy prodding a screen and putting your hands in the way to pay attention.
  5. On the bits where you need to rapidly tap the screen as much as possible, the obvious thing to do is take advantage of the iPad's multi-touch capabilities and use 4 fingers at once. Unfortunately, if you do that and slide, it takes you out of the app... which makes you restart the level. Grr! That's what you get for trying to be smart
  6. And this is a big one.... it's a game you pay for, it's £4.99 which is kind of a lot for an app. That's not the problem. The problem is the unlockables - when you defeat a demon you are supposed to be able to sign a pact with it in order to use that demon. Each has its own defense and experience stat. However, after each level beyond the first one, when you go to sign that pact it pops up something to say it'll cost you £1.99 to unlock that. This adds up to a lot of money and seems really unfair considering you just laid down some money for the game.

Other than that, it's a pretty fun game, though nothing outstanding. It's fun and quite ridiculous. Could do with more morale boosting from a team of male cheerleaders though. No way am I going to buy any of those extras; even if they seemed worth it, I would feel bad supporting this kind of payment scheme.