Sunday 7 December 2014

Console of the year? PS Vita!

Ah, we're very definitely in the era of the PS4 and Xbox One, now. They've both been out a full year. The Wii U has been out 2 years now. The PS Vita nearly 3 years. The Nintendo 3DS over 3 and a half.

I think it's taking longer and longer for consoles to "find their feet" - it used to be that consoles would be launched with some decent titles, but usually not enough - so players would continue playing the games from the last generation on their new consoles while the new consoles established a good, solid library. 

The PS3 was the first of the consoles to really end this. It's a great machine in its own right now, but when it was launched, there was limited backwards compatibility and you'd often see people on the internet saying "PS3 has no games!".

The 3DS did not suffer from this too much, but there was definitely a time of "Vita is dead!" and "Wii U is dead!" at the start of this year. But this year, Sony have turned the Vita into a nice little niche weird Japanese games console, and Nintendo have kept on plugging away at launching new versions of old games on the Wii U.

I got a Vita for Christmas last year, and it's been my main console this year. Here's a list of the games I've most enjoyed on it:

  • TxK
  • Danganronpa
  • Akiba's Trip
  • Luftrausers
  • Disgaea 3 : Absence of Detention
  • Spelunky
  • Rogue Legacy
  • No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!
  • Hatsune Mike Project Diva f
  • Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God
  • Steamworld Dig
  • Muramasa Rebirth
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia : Producing Perfection
  • Dynasty Warriors Next
I have also played many other games on it, and have more lined up to play. It's just very convenient and portable, has capacity for lots of games, and has a better screen and more processing power and a better accounts system than a 3DS.

I have also been playing much 3DS, but that got put on hold for a while as it managed to break itself and I had to send it in for repair, which was costly and wiped all my streetpass data. I do wish that Nintendo had as convenient an accounts system as either Sony, Microsoft or mobile platforms - so that in the case a device breaks, you can just log in and download your data and games to another device.

The PS3 is also fairly strong for me, and the Wii U ... I don't use that often, but when I do, I have fun enough with it. The PC ... I buy a lot more games for it than I actually play. I think it's because I work on a PC all day, so I am reluctant to finish work and continue using it.

The Xbox 360, which was about my main console of the previous generation - I've hardly switched on.

Perhaps I will get either an Xbox One or a PS4 in the future. I am far more inclined to get a PS4, because they keep giving me games for it on my PS+ subscription, and there is one game coming out for it that I am looking forward to: "No Man's Sky", a game about flying about in a procedurally-generated universe, exploring beautiful alien worlds.

Perhaps, in about a year or so, I will consider them worth getting.

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