Yay! Taiko No Tatsujin DS Touch de Dokodon! is out! The first Taiko No Tatsujin game that UK gamers can happily import to play without having to get round region restrictions or trade restrictions (grr Sony, I'm the only person in the world who still wants to buy PSP games and yet you don't want me to...!). Comes with 2 cute mini drumstick stylus (styli? stylee? styluses?) too. ^_^
So... what does Taiko No Tatsujin DS have that the other Taiko No Tatsujin games don't?
* You can enter your name in katakana.
* there's the option to play with touch screen and with direction / shoulder buttons.
* There's a daily play dojo, presumably in the vein of other self-improvement DS titles
* You can dress up your taiko drum. It's so cute! (*^_^*)
* 4 player wireless multiplayer (apparently; I haven't tried it)
* There's an option to make the faces fly across the screen fast, and an option to make them fly super-fast!
* Mekadon no longer explodes!
Entering your name in katakana is not important, but is something I always wanted to do. I'm a foreigner, after all. ^_^;;
Being able to use the touch screen and control pad both at once means you can play it the way you want to, switching back and forth whenever you want. So, for example, you can play the main tune with the touch screen and then use the control pad / buttons for the rapid-hit score-boosting parts (the long yellow strips where you just get as many hits in as you can).
Some of the songs available:
* Touch - 1st OP theme from "Touch" ^_^
* Together - Pocket Monster Diamond Pearl Opening Theme
* Gekiranger OP theme ^_^
* Smile go go - Yes! Precure 5 OP theme
* Doraemon no uta (1st OP - the Oosugi Kumiko song) ^_^
* Meitantei Conan Main Theme
* Anpanman no theme
Game Music:
* Super Mario Brothers <- this is lots of fun!
* Namcot Melody <- this made me feel happy & nostalgic T_T
* Beethoven's 7th
* William Tell Overture
* um... the "Can Can", I forgot it's real name
* Flight Of The Bumblebee
* Classic Medley - contains Wagner's "Wedding March" & Grieg's "In The Hall Of The Mountain King".
I'm not going to go through and list the J-Pop, Namco Originals or the children's songs... I want to go back to playing... ^_^
(BTW you can get a copy from either YesAsia or Play-Asia, my copy comes from YesAsia because they were slightly cheaper)