Tuesday 5 August 2008

CD Japan Magazine Subscription special offer

CD Japan have a special offer on at the moment - a 500 yen coupon towards any of their magazine subscriptions!

Follow this link for details and to get your coupon!

They're valid until the 31st of August 2008. It's an overall discount, not off each magazine, but a money-off coupon is still money-off! ^_^ I'm taking out a subscription to Voice Newtype, as I haven't seen that magazine for sale anywhere for several years now. (I used to buy individual issues from Anime Jungle) ^_^

NOTE: On the page advertising Voice Newtype, the table of shipping costs shown on the site appears to conflict with the figures that come out of the shipping calculator during the checkout process. Despite what the page says SAL is much cheaper - there's a bit of a wait on each magazine, but otherwise you'll end up paying more than the cost of the magazine in shipping for each issue!