Friday 16 January 2009

Clannad got licenced for release on US DVD

Earlier this week, ADV announced that they've licensed Clannad for release on DVD. They'll release it in box sets of 1/2 a season at a time, subtitled only (no dub), and the retail price is $39.99.


I notice that the pre-orders are $29.99 on though, set to come out as early as the 3rd of March 2009! ^_^

ADV haven't been doing very well as a company as of late (directly due to the "credit crunch"), and can't afford the expense of producing a decent dub. I can't help but feel that it's turned out well, despite their troubles. It means that they are releasing a series like this with a fast turnaround, no delay waiting for individual DVD volumes, and it works out much cheaper too. ^_^