Wednesday 7 January 2009

My experiments with Mario Paint Composer

Tonight I decided to download and play with Mario Paint Composer to see what it's like.

It's a little app you just unzip and run:

It's pretty cool, but really limited in that you can only place notes on one staff and you can only record a song of 128 bars maximum. (NB: that's at 3/4 time. It's 96 bars at 4/4 time)

You can see for yourself what I made, if you like - I decided to make a Mario Paint version of Oyoge! Taiyaki-kun ^__^ but couldn't put in some of the notes I needed to, and it stops after a minute (I ran out of bars!). I made a video of it anyway. :)

Video file

It's 24MB and a bit laggy (which makes for uneven timing). Hmm, maybe I should have uploaded the 3kb file that plays the tune, instead...

Now I realise that for the long songs on youtube, there must be a lot of work put in - not just to sequencing the tunes on Mario Paint, but editing the video clips together. I have renewed respect for the makers of these videos!