Tuesday 26 January 2010

Fatal Frame 4 / Project Zero 4 fanmade English translation patch out

If you happen to be a person who really liked playing the Fatal Frame / Project Zero games in English, and were disappointed that the 4th game out on Wii was not going to be officially released in English, so decided to buy a copy of the game in Japanese anyway, just in case...

...chances are you already know about this fan-translation project!

But here's a link to it anyway: http://zero4.higashinoeden.com/

It's pretty cool in that even though the wii is region restricted, you don't have to modify your console in order to use it. You just put their patch onto an SD card, put a copy of the Japanese game and the SD card into the wii, and it will play the game and add subtitles on-the-fly direct from the SD card.