Monday 10 May 2010

Green Man Gaming launches with 1p games

There's a new PC game digital download service available, the site is called Green Man Gaming. Their special gimmick is that you can buy games via their site, download and play them through a special app, then trade them in for store credit.

This means you always have to play the game through their client (called capsule) and I suppose that also means that playing offline must be impossible? I don't know.

I do know that they have some special offers for the launch of the site; certain games are going for only 1 penny. The games are:

Darwinia, High School Dreams, NecroVisioN: Lost Company, Uplink, World of Goo.

Now, I already owned Darwinia and World of Goo, and they are pretty good games. I especially like Darwinia! (note that World Of Goo was also available in the Humble Indie Bundle from Wolfire the other day... DRM free! That offer is still available for the next few hours!)

I just bought Uplink and it's pretty interesting. It's pretty much the way that hacking is depicted in films. You have an account and a server and some software, you get missions to break into remote servers and do stuff, delete all traces of your visit, and get your reward and reputation. Use the money to buy new software and servers, etc. If you get caught, you might get fined or have your server confiscated, or get put in prison.

It's got retro-futuristic interfaces and cute little password breakers that decode one character at a time, and percentage bars to show you how close authority is to catching up with you, giving you that cosy Hollywood-fiction feeling. Sweet!

I would feel far too cautious about handing over my card details to Green Man Gaming since I had never heard of them and the offer sounds too good to be true, but I have seen this promoted on some mainstream news sites so I am inclined to believe that this company is above board.