Monday 6 September 2010

My impressions of raptr

I signed up with raptr, the videogaming social network.

Here's my profile: tenshi_a's Profile

My opinions of it:


* It can automatically track what you're playing on XBLA, PSN and Steam
* You can see what all your friends are playing on the various gaming networks
* You can chat to your friends across the various networks
* You can add your own collection of games manually


* I was really reluctant to hand over my login details for the various gaming networks to them.
* It doesn't track what you're playing on XBLA / PSN / Steam if it doesn't have achievements / trophies.
* It says it has 40000 games in their database, but I think most of them are flash games.
* I can't seem to get it to track me playing the flash games it lists.
* It's really bad if you own a lot of old games / obscure games / import games from Japan / you're in Europe and own a lot of Europe-exclusive games. And I have a lot of all of those! I just can't find my games in their database. :(
* They have a page for adding games, and I tried it but the game I added hasn't shown up after about a week or two, so I can't be bothered.

So yeah, it's much more of a social tool than a game collection / playing tracker. It's not ideal for me, but I might as well stick with it for now.