Bwahahahaha! ^_^
I spent the weekend (and up to yesterday) visiting my boyfriend in Derby. And when I was there, I did some shopping. Woo! New territory!
Plus some stuff arrived from online shopping while I was away. ^_^;;
So, here's a new photo of the recent purchases I've made. (Everything from Atelier Iris 2 down on the left is counted as "old", so is Darwin which I'd lent to my boyfriend).

Most of the games probably aren't going to be very good, especially the TV/Movie/Comic tie-ins, and yes, I have managed to buy 2 volleyball games that aren't DOA spinoffs, in one trip.
I also bought a
Namco JogCon for £1.99 out of random interest. I have a copy of Ridge Racer Type 4 further down in this pile of games.
The most expensive games here were Etrian Odyssey for the equivalent of about £20, The Sword Of Etheria for £13.51, Samurai Western for £11.29, and The Simpsons Hit And Run for £10. Tengai cost £8.99. Code Of the Samurai cost £8.99 (it was originally going to be released as "Samurai Police"). The rest of these games cost me between £2.50 and £7. Mostly £2.50.
I also got a CG-animation film called "Blue Remains" for £6.10 and the old Transformers Movie for £3. ^_^
I'm still playing Etrian Odyssey. I've gotten into the 2nd Stratum! Yay!
EDIT: I also bought Halo, Halo 2, Mechassault, and Voodoo Vince for Xbox in a 4-for-£20 deal the other week. They're not in any pics, though.