If you read the blurb on the back of the books you'll think you're going to read some mystery stories, but it's actually little random / comedy stories from loads of different authors and different artists (most of whom aren't that great) - it seems like a doujin compilation.
It requires you to have read (er, played) the 3 Phoenix Wright Nintendo DS games in order to know who everyone is and get the jokes. The first volume is Phoenix Wright based, and the second is Miles Edgeworth based, but both volumes contain the full range of cast from the games; it's just a case of the focus of the story.
They are pleasant enough for a quick read and a few chuckles, but even though it looks like a lot to read with the number of pages, there's no real depth and you'll run through them; they're rather expensive for what they are (but I am still quite glad they were translated and published in English).