Tuesday 30 March 2010

The Oneechanbara movie, aka "Chanbara Beauty"

I bought a copy of this film from HMV online on DVD for £2.99 with free shipping, that's cheaper than a bus into town and back.

I was thinking to mayself: "these games are terrible! Terrible! The film is probably also going to be terrible, but I'm sure it will at least be enjoyably brainless and hilariously bad. Surely it cannot be worse than the games which are terrible!"

The jury is still out.

See, I think it's just plain bad.

The woman they have playing Aya (the girl in a cowboy hat and bikini) is all of three things:

* A bad actress who always looks terrified when swinging a sword. She's supposed to be the moody silent type, and a master with a sword, but she always looks like she is thinking "eek! I'm holding a sword! I hope no-one gets hurt!"

* Cannot swordfight. I think she trained for swordfighting via 10 minutes with a wiimote. She does not move in a way that is fulfilling to watch - she just flails hopelessly.

* Isn't that nice to look at (not when compared to the women playing Reiko and Saki, or how Aya looks in the games) and she's supposed to be the "beauty".

So, er, that fails.

And, well, there's just not enough action really, or rather there is but it's not generally very exciting. Zombies move so slowly and clumsily, you see. One of them doesn't - rather than lumbering, she has a weapon and seems competent with it - but that scene became a dramatic plot scene, which made it a bit clunky. I thought that in a lot of scenes that the zombies seemed to be waiting around for people to stop talking.

To me, the CGI looked worse than in the actual Oneechanbara games, by which I mean the first few PS2 budget games that are made with no money at all.

In the end the fighting goes all Dragon Ball Z style which is a bit boring.... and goes on for ages. :/

The games give people a sexy lady to watch as she swordfights and there is nothing but action, so much that it gets repetitive. Very repetitive! This film kind of does the exact opposite. So, they are both bad, but in different ways!