There's a wasp living in my kitchen. First time I saw it, it was probably November, and made me go "aargh!" as I unexpectedly saw it walking round on my cardboard recycle pile. It was huge at the time. The next time I saw it, a few days later, it made me go "aargh!" as I saw it unexpectedly walking around on the kitchen blinds. The next time I saw it, a few days later, it made me go "aargh!" as I saw it walking into my living room. At which point I got a glass from the kitchen and took it back in there. I put a few drops of fruit juice in the glass and it lived in there for a few days. I looked it up on wikipedia - it says that all ordinary wasps die off in the winter, except the queen which hibernates. So I thought... "it's December, this kitchen is cold, it should die soon. Poor thing." ... so it was there in the glass in the kitchen for a few days. Then one day it was gone. This was about a week ago. I thought "do wasps do somewhere to die?" and felt quite sad about it. Today, I saw it walking round on the carpet and... I got a camera and took a picture and decided to post it in my blog. ^_^;;
There's a wasp living in my kitchen! In the middle of Winter! And it walks everywhere!