Tuesday 29 April 2008

Monster Hunter Freedom

Another game I played recently is Monster Hunter Freedom, the European version for PSP.

It's an MMORPG that you play offline. The loading times are annoying, as they seem to appear too frequently, and it's quite slow-moving, sometimes quite frustratingly. I often feel that my character is being hurt because they were too slow to break out of their current action, posing after they drink healing potions, etc. However, I found it quite addictive for the first few days that I played. I like the fight-to-the-death aspect. I like stabbing beasts to death, hacking bits off them, and cooking and eating them there and then (watch the spit turn 4 and a half times for perfect food, while excessively jolly music plays). I'd rate this game "Not suitable for vegetarians"! I like the over-exaggerated animations for eating and sleeping too, hehe. The pace got increasingly frustrating as the missions got harder, so I decided to play something else (as in, another videogame) somewhere during the two-star missions from the village chief. I get the feeling it would be much much better multiplayer, you could get some proper battle tactics in.