Thursday 23 August 2007

Anime Buses

Well, I was reading a forum thread about some anime decals seen on cars at comiket, and that's interesting, I guess, but I then got to looking for full professional jobs - fully painted bus advertisements.

I found more than I'd seen before and they're kinda cool so I thought I'd preserve the links here.

There are lots on

Chiyo-chan and many other Azumanga Daioh buses

Gunslinger Girl bus

various anime and manga advertised on this bus... 2x2=Shinobuden, Azumanga & Yotsuba to, Onegai Twins etc


Fushigiboshi no Futago Hime

Lucky Star bus #1

Lucky Star bus #2

Lucky Star bus #3

Sister Princess bus

Futakoi bus

Dragon Ball Z bus

Precure Splash*Star (argh! my eyes!)

the Rozen Maiden Shinku Liner ^_^


the Pokemon Jet

and the Ultraman train!! (ok they're not buses)