Wednesday 1 August 2007

recently watched

I've recently watched:

* The first episode of City Hunter

* The first two episodes of Code Geass

* The first episode of Cutey Honey

City Hunter is SO COOL! *_*

The first two episodes of Code Geass made me go OMG!! at the end of each episode. *_*

I can't decide whether Cutey Honey is bad or good. It's started like like any other old Go Nagai show. Family dies at the start. Hero shouts stuff, robot throws its adornments to attack. Beats baddies. Actually, it's more like the old Devilman series than the robot shows. But with more gratuitous female nudity. The episode is 25 mins long and finishes at 20 mins! The full-length end theme is played, and there's a really long episode preview. Maybe I'll give the next episode a go... or I could watch more of the other *really cool* shows... hmm...

EDIT: I decided to watch more Cutey Honey. I've also decided that she's now my favourite Go Nagai mecha. ^_^;; She's far less evil than any of the other Go Nagai heroes I've encountered, after all.

I'm still not sure how Go Nagai manages to make scenes that ought to be erotic just plain bizarre. Or rather, maybe I'm just not sure *why* he does it. Maybe he prefers it that way. O_o