Tuesday 1 July 2008

Arcade Gamer Fubuki

I just watched this 4 episode OVA over the last few days. It's based on a manga by Yoshizaki Mine (author of Keroro Gunsou), and there are loads of references to old 1980s and 1990s arcade games - actual recogniseable games, not parody takes on them. "Arashi" from the 1980s anime series "Game Center Arashi" in there as well - the kid in a red baseball hat and huge teeth. Lots of chances to spot little Keroro Gunsou figures in the backgrounds. Oh and one reference to Space Adventure Cobra, even though I don't think he's best known as a video game character!

Furuya Tohru and Fujioka Hiroshi are in the cast too! :D

It's pretty funny, pretty nostalgic, very ridiculous, and overall very entertaining. I thought it was a lot of fun. :D

BTW the DVD I got was a North American copy, it's released by U.S. Manga Corps. The most annoying thing is trying to get it out of the case (weird DVD case), and I really liked the retro arcade-style menu they created. ^_^