Tuesday 17 April 2007

Xenogears patch


It's a huge 370MB patch you can apply to the USA version of the PS1 game. According to the site:


So what exactly is altered by this patch?

* Controls are put back to the original Japanese controls.
* In-game battle combos are back to the original Japanese ones (matching Japanese controls).
* Audio in the Full Motion Videos is in Japanese with English subtitles.
* Voices in the game are back to the original Japanese ones (in battles + certain cutscenes).
* The weight unit in character's stats is back to kilos (.kgs instead of .lbs).
* Emeralda's icon eyebrow transparency is corrected.
* The selection arrow in shop menus doesn't overlap choices (Buy, Sell, Exit) anymore.

Note: there are no changes whatsoever to the script.


They fixed eyebrows!! O_O