Monday 2 April 2007

Darwin for PS2

I found an interesting-looking game while browsing Amazon (UK) today:

Darwin for PS2, released ont he 23rd March 2007. I'd never heard of it before! The blurb is:

"From ape to human lead the evolution of mankind! Darwin is on a mission to broaden his horizons, evolving himself and his surroundings to a new life. Evolve everyone in your village from ape to human by teaching your troops to hunt, fight and speak"

So I was thinking... perhaps it's like Evo or the new Seaman game...

As it's a brand new game with an interesting concept that is selling really cheaply, I thought "maybe it's a Simple 2000 game" and looked on the D3 website.

I found the game here:
Simple 2000 Series #99 - the Genshijin (Commercial to watch)

It looks kind of like Pikmin... but with monkeys that evolve into hairy cavemen. I placed my order, since this looks interesting. It's also unusual to see a game being rated for ages 3+ (according to Amazon's box art) with that much blood in it.

I've just found a review of the game here. They seem to think it's a really good game considering that it's a Simple 2000 budget release.