Tuesday 1 May 2007

recently watched anime

Over the last few days I've watched...

* The first 4 episodes of Busou Renkin.
* The first episode of Venus Versus Virus
* The 2nd and 3rd episodes of Lucky Star

Busou Renkin... I wanted to watch just because I'd heard the OP theme sung by Fukuyama Yoshiki and I really like it, and the soundtrack's by Tanaka Kouhei. After the first episode, my boyfriend, who really likes other shonen shows, was dying of genericness. But I gave it up to 4 episodes before giving up. It's like almost watching about 5 other shows... notably Bleach, but with Alchemy added... I don't think I'll bother watching any more...

Venus Versus Virus... is very Noir before the opening, then continues in a monster-hunting girls-with-guns kind of way. Seems alright, but then I watched it straight after despairing over Busou Renkin. There's also something about it that reminds me of Rozen Maiden for no discernable reason. And the end credits use a still image that reminds me of the artwork in Gunslinger Girl. I think I'll watch more of this. ^_^

Lucky Star... this got funnier after the 1st episode, like I hoped it would. It's still not hilarious, but I like it. It's like watching an anime with me as the main character. ^_^

For some reason, they've gotten rid of the director after 4 episodes. I'm not sure exactly why; perhaps the 4th episode is really bad? I heard "performance issues", so.. ratings, I guess?

Surely Lucky Star's 4th episode was not as bad as Gurren Lagan's 4th episode... where fan objections about it got so bad that it led to one of Gainax's company directors (the one who created Princess Maker) engaging in a flame war against the Japanese BBS 2ch and ungracefully resigning from his post... O_O

EDIT: There's a Venus Versus Virus flash game on the official site. ^_^

I need to stop watching anime and thinking of it in terms of other anime. It's something I've picked up from somewhere... >_<